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Ideas & Tips — Beer & Wine

Craft beer now more popular than Budweiser in the U.S.

Beer & Wine Celebration Food & Drinks

Craft beer now more popular than Budweiser in the U.S.

Craft beer fans rejoice (or, alternatively, traditionalists despair)! The past decade or so has seen an astronomical rise in the popularity of craft beer in America, and now the independently crafted beverages have reached a milestone in their slow creeping domination of the American market. According to the Washington Post, Americans now drink more craft beer than plain Budweiser, with the craft industry shipping 16.1 million barrels in 2013 compared to Budweiser's 16 million. Although this figure doesn't include Bud Light sales, it is still representative of a shift in taste that points to a generational divide. According to Anheuser-Busch's...

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Geographic facts about wine

Beer & Wine Celebration Food & Drinks Ideas & Tips

Geographic facts about wine

Wine is virtually a culture of its own. As much a science as it is an art, culture, agriculture, geology, genetics and history all play a role in the creative process of making wine. Furthermore, for as intricate as the development of a good wine has always been, time has only added to its complexity. For centuries wines were known by the region where they were made, but with wine now being a global product, geography is no longer as secure of a way of identifying it as it once was. Here are a few geographical facts about wine: Changes in taste: Occasionally,...

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4 tips for transitioning your bar cart into fall

Beer & Wine Celebration Food & Drinks Ideas & Tips Seasonal

4 tips for transitioning your bar cart into fall

We have previously discussed on this blog how to set up an at-home bar cart to add to your decor and enhance your entertaining. One of the most exciting parts about setting up a bar cart is that you can style it according to the seasons. As the mercury starts to dip and the leaves begin to change color, it's the perfect time to bring your beverage area from summer to fall.  Here are some tips: Add a touch of nature: If you live in an area where the foliage changes colors, collect some lovely fall leaves and frame them in...

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How to make a toast

Beer & Wine Celebration Food & Drinks

How to make a toast

Whether you are hosting a casual dinner party or celebrating the wedding of your son or daughter, being able to make an appropriate toast is a crucial life skill. While it can be difficult to know just where to start, following some simple tips and tricks will enable you to graciously raise your glass at your next important event. Brevity is the soul of wit: The Wall Street Journal says that no toast should exceed three minutes.  Consider your audience: It's crucial to consider your audience when making a toast. A joke that your former college roommate would find hilarious...

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Assemble the perfect cheese plate

Beer & Wine Eating Healthy Food & Drinks Ideas & Tips Kitchen Seasonal Stainless Steel

Assemble the perfect cheese plate

Summer is the perfect season for low-fuss, no-cook food preparation. We love to assemble an elegant cheese plate, which is the perfect party hors d'oeuvres or even simple supper. (We also offer a scaled-down version for your smaller cheese assortments.) Here are our top tips for putting together the perfect arrangement of fromage:  Choose a flavorful cheese: Food Network recommends choosing at least one cheese that packs a big punch in terms of flavor. If you're wary of very strong cheeses, try Manchego, a tasty yet relatively mild option. Spread it with a little honey or served with dried figs...

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