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Ideas & Tips — Herbs

4 tips for using a mortar and pestle

Food & Drinks Gardening Herbs Ideas & Tips Kitchen Practical Gifts

4 tips for using a mortar and pestle

The mortar and pestle is a versatile and useful kitchen implement, but few of us actually grew up using one, so it can be a bit difficult to get into the swing of using it for cooking. Here are a few tips to help you take proper advantage of your mortar and pestle: It's not just for dry spices. Garlic, basil and other "wet" spices can also be ground into pastes or muddled in the mortar and pestle, making it a great tool for creating rubs and seasonings for meat dishes. Use it to make pesto. According to numerous cooks, the difference...

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The benefits of gardening in the winter

Gardening Herbs Ideas & Tips Seasonal Winter

The benefits of gardening in the winter

There are many upsides to maintaining or starting a garden in the winter, the first of which may be that gardens make for beautiful additions to the home. Also, the options are more profuse than normally assumed with greenhouses, indoor and outdoor gardening all serving as viable options, even with the extra care needed to defend against any oncoming frost. Some of the benefits that come with gardening, specifically during the winter, include the cost effectiveness of growing your own produce and the bonus of extra activity and exercise during the months when people are typically inclined to stay in...

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Whole spices can revolutionize your approach to cooking

Eating Healthy Food & Drinks Herb & Spice Herbs Ideas & Tips Kitchen

Whole spices can revolutionize your approach to cooking

Spice grinders make for great kitchen accessories, especially if you love food, because they allow you to buy fresh, organic spices whole and grind them at your own pace. Also, whole spices retain more of their flavor than the traditional bottled spices offered at grocery stores. To further enhance that experience of taste, toast spices whole first which helps release a stronger explosion of scent and flavor when you begin the grinding or seasoning process.   Another plus to having whole spices is that the extra flavor comes through a limited amount of work as it's rare when too much...

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Tips for grinding your own spices

Eating Healthy Food & Drinks Herbs Ideas & Tips Kitchen Stainless Steel

Tips for grinding your own spices

Do you ever find yourself tasting a meal you've prepared and realizing it just doesn't have enough flavor? Do you dump loads of grocery store spices into your dishes, only to be put off by their bland, vague taste? It may be time to look into grinding your own spices, which is easy to do if you have the right equipment. Spices begin to lose their flavor as soon as they're ground, so when you buy prepackaged spices in the supermarket, they're already starting to go south, flavor-wise. Home-ground spices are obviously the right choice in terms of flavor, but...

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6 unconventional condiments you have to try

Eating Healthy Food & Drinks Herbs Ideas & Tips Kitchen

6 unconventional condiments you have to try

Food industry experts agree: the days when ketchup, mustard and mayo were the only sauces you were expected to provide are long gone. According to Food Product Design magazine, incorporating more complex "gourmet" sauces into home cooking is becoming more popular, and therefore, "chefs and product developers are showing [condiments] as much respect as they do anything else they put on the plate." For a more compelling condiment experience this holiday season, consider serving up some of these less-common sauces: Chimichurri: A tangy, zesty, sweet-and-sour sauce from Argentina made with chopped parsley, vinegar and red pepper flakes, this sauce is...

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